Apr 25, 2024

International day of the Icelandic Horse

Let's celebrate the international day of the Icelandic horse together

Icelandic horses running in a field with mountains and the sea in the background.

May 1st is the International day of the Icelandic Horse. FEIF and Horses of Iceland encourage people all around the world to use this day to share good time and make memories with friends, family and strangers around the Icelandic Horse. Use the discussion here to advertise your event, no matter where in the world you are!

On May 1st, share what you are doing related to Icelandic horses on social media, tag


and Horses of Iceland (so we can repost in our stories) and use


Here are a few ideas of how you can celebrate with us whether you have Icelandic horses or not:

If you don't have (an) Icelandic Horse(s)
  • Contact your country's national association to see what they are planning and if someone near you is organising something.
  • Ask someone you know has Icelandic horses if you can join them on May 1st. Whether it's just to spend time around the horses or to ride with them.
  • If you can't get close to the Icelandic horse, feel free to share what

    Horses of Iceland



    will be posting or post some older photos/videos of a moment you enjoyed around Icelandic horses
If you do have (an) Icelandic Horse(s):
  • Invite family or friends to join you for a while or the whole day: You can invite them to just spend time with and get to know your horse(s) or to ride if possible.
  • You can also organise a pic-nic/barbecue where your horse(s) is/are kept and spend a nice day outside if the weather is nice.
  • If you own a stable/farm, organise an open house. Show people the horses, stables, fields, tack and tell them all about how and why you wanted to own a stable or farm.
  • Organise a small show with friends: show your friends what tölt is, or how great the Icelandic horse's character is, show off your horse's personality.

We're sure you can also think of plenty of other ways to honor the Icelandic horse on this beautiful occasion and we can't wait to see what you have in stock for us!

For those of you who are on Facebook, check out

our event

; people from all over the world are posting what they will be doing. Maybe someone close to you is organising something.

People talking to Berglind Margo Þorvaldsdóttir at Horses of Iceland's stand at Equitana

Feb 24, 2025

Horses of Iceland at Equitana

Adults and children pose around Icelandic horses in Germany

Feb 24, 2025

Meet the Icelandic Horse at the Viking Masters Final in Münster!

Children on Icelandic horses being led by adults in the outdoor arena at the Showpalast in München.

Jan 27, 2025

Get to know the Icelandic horse during Viking Master in Ellenbach